Dr. Dierker meets with Congressman Burton, and others, to discuss health care reform

Posted in: News / Events on July 20, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC (June 24, 2009) – As the debate over health care reform rages on, Dr. Dierker joined hundreds of American Optometric Association (AOA) doctors of optometry from around the nation on Capitol Hill to meet directly with the offices of every U.S. Senator and Congressman. Their goal: to ensure access to optometric care for America’s families, including veterans, working men and women, children, and seniors. Discussion topics from AOA’s pro-access, pro-patient agenda included:

  • Health Care Reform – Congressional leaders were urged to add provider non-discrimination safeguards to the current bills being debated. The AOA feels that patients should be able to choose their eye care provider.
  • Medicare – A 21% Medicare physician cut is scheduled for January 1, 2010. The AOA opposes this.
  • Children’s Vision – The AOA is a strong advocate of passing the Vision Care for Kids Act, a bill to establish federal grants to bolster state children’s vision and learning incentives.
  • Military and Veteran’s Health Care – America’s military service personnel and veterans are often forced to wait unnecessarily for the eye and vision care they need and deserve.
  • InfantSEEĀ® – The importance of Optometry’s vision-saving and potentially life-saving public health initiative that offers eye assessments for infants at no cost was emphasized.

In addition to meeting personally with Congressman Dan Burton (IN-5), Dr. Dierker met with advisors in the offices of Senator Richard Lugar, Representative Andre Carson (IN-7), and Representative Joe Donnelly (IN-2).