4 Ways PRK Can Change Your Life

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in PRK

PRK is a life-changing procedure that allows you to experience greater visual freedom and reduce reliance on glasses and contact lenses. By reshaping the cornea with laser technology, PRK offers the potential for enhanced vision and an improved overall quality of life for those seeking visual correction.  Keep reading to learn four ways PRK can […]

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Are You a LASIK Candidate? 

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in LASIK

LASIK is an advanced surgical procedure that has transformed the field of vision correction. With its ability to provide clear and improved vision, LASIK has gained popularity as a reliable alternative to glasses or contact lenses.   However, it is important to note that not everyone is eligible for LASIK. Keep reading to learn more about […]

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Can Diabetic Retinopathy Be Reversed?

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in Eye Health

Diabetes is a disease that affects the entire body — including the retinas. When blood sugar levels are high, the network of tiny blood vessels that supply blood to the retinas can get blocked and damaged. This can result in blurry vision and, when left untreated, can eventually lead to blindness. Doctors can administer retinal […]

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MGD Treatment: Intense Pulsed Light

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in Eye Health

Damon Dierker, OD, FAAOPhilip Shaffer, OD Do you experience significant discomfort because of dry eyes? We highly recommend that you see an eye doctor and get examined to rule out or diagnose MGD. Meibomian gland dysfunction happens to 86% of people who suffer from dry eye. The good news is that it is treatable, and […]

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Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in Eye Health

The Four Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in people aged 20 to 74 in the United States. Diabetic retinopathy is a disorder that develops if you have diabetes. This eye condition happens when blood vessels in the retina of your eye are damaged by high […]

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Driving After Cataract Surgery

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in Eye Health

When Can You Drive After Cataract Surgery? According to a paper published on the US National Library of Medicine, 1.65 million people undergo cataract operations in the North American region every year. With a 98 percent success rate across the country, cataract surgery is not only among the most common surgeries that American patients undergo, […]

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Common Post-Op Conundrums

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in Eye Health

With a temporary hiatus from surgery, I thought I’d take some time to review some issues I see from time to time following cataract surgery. There can be many minor side effects or complications from cataract surgery, the vast majority are transient and very mild. When I review the risks involved with surgery with patients […]

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What is glaucoma and how is it treated?

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in Eye Health

Glaucoma is a complex disease with uncertainty as to what actually causes it. It’s no wonder why so much time is spent helping patients understand the disease. What is glaucoma? Simply put, glaucoma is an optic neuropathy (I know…bear with me). Optic – relating to the eye or vision, and neuropathy – damage to a […]

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Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery

Posted by: Eye Surgeons of Indiana in Eye Health

MAY 2018 started a new chapter in ESI history. We performed our first two weeks of laser-assisted cataract surgeries in the new and improved, state-of-the-art, Surgical Care Center. While we have owned a LENSAR since 2016, we have recently decided to incorporate it into our new home and make it a routine offering to our […]

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